Grazia Ting Deng


Recent Journal Articles

“Hopefully a Good Life: Cosmopolitan Chinese Migrant Families in Urban Italy.”

Anthropologica. 65 (2): 1-22. 

DOI: 10.18357/anthropologica65220232621.

[link to the article]

I Cinesi among Others: The Contested Racial Perceptions among Chinese Migrants in Italy” 

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2023. Advance online publication. 

DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2199133.

[link to the article]

“A Chinese Woman’s Journey to the 'West': Ethnographic Knowledge Production amid Ambiguous Power Dynamics”

Ethnography. 2022. 

Advance online publication. 

DOI: 10.1177/14661381221110047.

[link to the article]

“Bargaining with God in Name of Family: Chinese Christian Entrepreneurs in Italian Coffee Bars” 

Annual Review of Sociology of Religion 11: 1-19 (2021). 

DOI: 10.1163/9789004443327_002.

[link to the article]

“Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Italy’s Coffee Bars: Demographic Transformation and Historical Contingency” 

International Migration 58 (3): 87-100 (2020). 

DOI: 10.1111/imig.12655.

[link to the article]

Recent Book Chapters

意大利咖啡館裡的華人女性:田野中的錯置與凝視 (in Chinese)

In 人類學好——關於人類的我都想學」,黃修薇編,Chapter 11, 183-198 (2020). 蜂鳥出版. [link]

"Aspiring to Motility: Chinese Petty Entrepreneurs in Italy" (co-authored with A. H. Xiao)

In Transcending Borders: Selected Papers in East Asian Studies, edited by Ikuko Sagiyama and Valentina Pedone, 3-25 (2017). Florence: Florence University Press. [link]

Book Reviews

Rofel, Lisa and Sylvia J. Yanagisako. 2019. Fabricating Transnational Capitalism: Collaborative Ethnography of Italian-Chinese Global Fashion. 

Social Anthropology 29 (1): 254-55 (2021). 

DOI: 10.1111/1469-8676.12967.

[link to the book review]

Short Pieces and Commentaries

“Let’s Start by not Using ‘Expat’.” Agenda for International Development. January 25 (2023). (co-authored with Corrado Fumagalli, and Sabah Boufkhed) Link

“Cinesi in Italia: Dalla “mafia cinese” alle ‘minoranza modello’?” Sinosfere 15: 17-31 (2022). (in Italian). Link

“The Chinese in Italy: Businesses and Identity.” Global Dialogue 11(1): 30-31 (2021). Link.

“The Epidemic and the Rise of Ethnic Consciousness among Chinese in Italy.” Agenda for International Development. May 17 (2020). Link.

“Covid-19 and Imaginaries of China.” Plan A Magazine. 2020. (co-authored with Ping-hsiu Alice Lin). Link.

星巴克進軍意大利,街角咖啡館將退出歷史?」端傳媒. February 21 (2017). (in Chinese). Link.  

Articles in Preparation

“Chinese Migrant Entrepreneurship in Italy: Food Services as a Way of Living.” Thunø, Mette, and Simeng Wang, eds., Handbook of Chinese Migration to Europe. Brill Publishers. (In production).  

"One Workplace, Three Labor Systems: Chinese Entrepreneurs and Their Multiracial Workers in Italy" (In progress)

"In Pursuit of Instant Healing: The Temporal Consciousness of Health among Chinese Workers in Italy." (In progress)

"Nothing Is More Important than Health!": Yangsheng Fever among Chinese Immigrants in Post-Pandemic Italy." (In progress)

"Escaping from Boredom: Leisure, Labor, and Identity Formation among Chinese shopkeepers in Italy." (In progress)