Grazia Ting Deng


My teaching has covered sociocultural anthropology and Italian studies on both undergraduate and graduate levels. 

Cultural Anthropology

Business, Culture, and Society 

(Brandeis, Undergraduate course, Fall 2024)

Global Migration and Transnational Communities

(Brandeis, Undergraduate course, Fall 2024)

Anthropology of the Chinese Diaspora 

(Brown, Undergraduate course, Fall 2021) 

Cultures of Chinese Overseas 

(CUHK, Graduate course, Spring 2018, Spring 2019)

World Ethnography 

(CUHK, Undergraduate course, Spring 2017)

Globalization and Culture 

(CUHK, Undergraduate course, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, as TA)

Humans and Culture 

(CUHK, Undergraduate course, Fall 2013, as TA)

Culture of Hong Kong 

(CUHK, Undergraduate course, Fall 2012, as TA)

Italian Studies

Italy through Films 

(SISU, Undergraduate course, Spring 2019)

Introduction to Italian Cultural Studies 

(SISU, Graduate course, Fall 2018)

Italian Society and Culture 

(SISU, Undergraduate course, Fall 2018)